  • Constanza Paz Araos Gómez
  • Elio Vicente Céspedes Gómez
  • Maite Isabel Rodríguez Astudillo

  • Daniela Aranda Gutiérrez
Pague Aquí

El pasado lunes 2 de agosto a las 19:00 horas se realizó de manera online la cuenta pública TISLS, correspondiente a la gestión del período 2020.

En la oportunidad, la Rectora del Colegio, Miss Verónica Opazo Neumann, expuso lo referido al ámbito académico, mientras que el Director de Administración y Finanzas, Juan Carlos Cárcamo, dio cuenta de los aspectos financieros.

La actividad, establecida en los estatutos del colegio, contó con la asistencia virtual de 56 personas y permitió conocer los aspectos más relevantes de la gestión desarrollada durante 2020.


TISLS balance 2020

 A complete balance sheet of TISLS 2020 management was presented this week to our school community.

The event took place on Monday August 2nd, and was followed by 56 families, who joined us online throughout the presentation.

As every year, the academic aspect was explained by our headmisstress, Miss Verónica Opazo Neumann, while our Head of Finance and Administration, Juan Carlos Cárcamo referred to the finance field.

Areas like the preventive measures adopted to ensure a quality education for all of our students despite the pandemic enviroment and the many initiatives applied to make TISLS a safe space for our students, teachers and faculties, were part of both presentations.

The activity, established in our school’s regulation, was informed to all of our school’s community last year.

  • Constanza Paz Araos Gómez
  • Elio Vicente Céspedes Gómez
  • Maite Isabel Rodríguez Astudillo

  • Daniela Aranda Gutiérrez