  • Bruno Maximiliano Díaz Varas
  • Emilia Francisca Hernández Olivares
  • Julieta Suazo Prosperi
  • Lia Cecchi Silva
  • Vesna Isadora Papic Cifuentes

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Pague Aquí

El pasado 9 y 10 de septiembre se realizó la premiación del Programa de Lectura de Invierno, de Elementary School.

En la oportunidad se reconoció a quienes han destacado por su interés por los libros.

Winter Reading Program award ceremonies

We are pleased to announce that on Monday, September 9th, and Tuesday, September 10th, the ‘Winter Reading Program’ award ceremonies took place. This program recognized the top three readers from each grade.

The backdrop for the event was the Elementary Library, where the librarians organized a brief award ceremony, accompanied by the participation of seventh-grade students who enriched the event with readings and dramatizations for the younger students. Congratulations to the winners!

We encourage more students to join the wonderful adventure of enjoying a good book in the coming ‘Spring Reading Program’ that will start on September 30th.

Reading Program Staff – Elementary Level

  • Bruno Maximiliano Díaz Varas
  • Emilia Francisca Hernández Olivares
  • Julieta Suazo Prosperi
  • Lia Cecchi Silva
  • Vesna Isadora Papic Cifuentes

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