  • Martina Antonia Pérez Serrano

  • Cecilia Cerda Torres
Pague Aquí

“The Head, the Heart, the Balance” by Amparo Retamal and “The Key to Progress” by Sofía Andía, are the titles of the speeches delivered by these two  students from 11th grade JT and G who  were selected last Thursday October 3rd,  among  other  six competitors,  to represent our school in the… Sigue leyendo

In the context of climate change and sustainability, our student Benjamín Martínez presented a persuasive essay called «Can we act as one?» to the ESU Writing Competition. He was selected as a finalist from the senior category, in September 26th  he travelled to Santiago to write a short story taking a piece from Museo de Historia Natural as source… Sigue leyendo

Debido a la importante conciencia y preocupación por reducir la cantidad de residuos durante nuestra School Fiesta 2019 logramos nuevamente bajar significativamente la cantidad de basura y el material para el reciclaje en la venta de la School Fiesta.

Gracias al Centro de Padres y a todos los apoderados que trabajaron en los stands por su preocupación de comprar envases… Sigue leyendo

  • Martina Antonia Pérez Serrano

  • Cecilia Cerda Torres